Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thawing Nostalgia...

Each year, on the first warm day after a long cold snap, I love to walk outside with my face tilted toward the sun - soaking in the Spring to come.

And each year, on this day, without fail, I think "Today would be a great day to pitch (softball) outside."  Growing up, it was always a treat to practice outside in short sleeves in the middle of Februrary - after having been cooped up in gyms since November. 

It's been 14 years since I picked up a ball and hurled it towards the plate.  And, while my shoulder is better off without it, my soul longs for the smell of the fresh cut grass, the red dirt under my fingernails, the fresh, crisp breeze on my bare arms (because I hated wearing long sleeves) and that one hour with my Dad every day, one-on-one, to sort out all of (my) world's problems.  (thanks, Dad!)

I guess you can take the girl out of the game, but can't take the game out of the girl...

Play Ball!

JenStar in her tomboy phase that lasted until she was 18.

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